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Interview Advice for Teachers

Interview advice for teachers – Need some tips for an upcoming teaching interview? Here’s a list of some tips to help you nail your interview!


1. Let your passion and enthusiasm for teaching shine through. Sound positive, enthusiastic, and excited about the things you talk about.

2. Dress nicer than you would to teach. Not stuffy but look professional. Wear business casual pants, a nice top in a bright color, a blazer, close toed shoes. Make sure it’s something you’re comfortable and confident in – nothing you have to tug on.

3. Practice, practice, practice interview questions! Go over commonly asked teaching interview questions (I made a HUGE list of them here for you!) and answer them out loud. You’ll catch a lot of word fumbling ahead of time and be able to really revise what you want to say about yourself to give you the best answer. I’m not saying rehearse your answers so you know what to say verbatim but saying it out loud will really help you refine talking points about your best skills and moments as a teacher, help you with timing and wording, etc.

4. Talk about the wonderful things you’ve DONE, not what you PLAN to do. Even if you’re a brand new teacher, talk about the things you accomplished with your internships or student teaching experiences. Administrators want to know that you can deliver on your promises so try to use as many real examples as possible.

5. Be prepared to teach a mini lesson. The interview team may ask you to do a little mock lesson so know the structure of a lesson/lesson plan that the district or school prefers. Also think of a math lesson you’ve done and a reading lesson you’ve done that you could use as an example. They may ask for something specific, though, so be prepared for anything but have some ideas in mind going into it.

6. Know about the school you’re interviewing at! Go on their website and learn their mascot, facts about them, things they’ve been up to. Check out what sort of things the district cares about and get a feel for it. Be familiar with what curriculum they use and if you don’t know a lot about it, do some research!

7. Ask questions at the end of your interview! When they say, “Do you have any questions for us?” at the end, have 2-3! Use it as an opportunity to talk yourself up or show what’s important to you. For example: “Collaboration is really important to me. What is the collaborative culture like here? How do you encourage collaboration?” It shows interest in the position and can really help set you apart from the other applicants. Definitely don’t ask about pay, perks, benefits, etc.

8. If you’re not familiar with a program or term they use, don’t try to fake it. Say something along the lines of, “I’m not familiar with that program but I am a quick learner and always ready and willing to learn.”

9. Bring a copy of your resume for each person that’s interviewing you. If you’re unsure, make a few extra. Hand them to them as you enter.

10. Try not to talk too fast.

11. Make eye contact with every single person in the room when you answer questions so you have a connection with all of them – don’t just look at the principal. That’s uncomfortable anyway! 🙂

12. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. This is a time to brag about the things you’ve accomplished and what your valuable skills are. Be warm and likable but don’t be modest.


I hope your interview goes well!!! Don’t forget to check out the giant list of teaching interview questions so you can practice!


I have a ton of other lists! Check out:

Huge List of Classroom Jobs

Flexible Seating Classroom Ideas and Seating Options

Best Back to School Books BY BEHAVIOR

Favorite Back to School Read Alouds

Back to School Books for Kindergarten

Must Have Classroom Tools

Must Have Reading Tools

Must Have Math Tools


Teaching Interview Questions

Teaching interview questions vary a lot but there are a lot of commonly asked interview questions for elementary school teacher positions. It’s a really smart idea to look over potential questions and rehearse a response. Here is a huge list of potential questions you might get asked that you can practice for!

For more tips, check out Teaching Interview Tips!


Teaching Interview Questions:

1. Tell us about yourself and your teaching experience.

2. How do you differentiate to meet the needs of all learners? What does differentiation look like in your classroom?

3. Describe your classroom management style.

4. What experience do you have with technology in the classroom?

5. How would you incorporate technology into your classroom and lessons?

6. Describe your literacy block.

7. Describe your math block.

8. Walk us through a typical lesson.

9. How do you use data to drive instruction?

10. If you were having a problem with a coworker, how would you handle it?

11. How would you handle a difficult parent? (Be prepared for being given a specific parent issue and being asked how you’d resolve it.)

12. Why do you want to work in our school/district?

13. What are your strengths as a teacher?

14. What are your weaknesses as a teacher?

15. How do you communicate with parents?

16. What does your classroom look like during small groups?

17. We use ___ assessment. Are you familiar with it? What testing and assessments do you have experience with?

18. Do you work well on a team?

19. What are your views on homework? How much homework do you give?

20. Do you have any experience with (the curriculum they use)? (Research on their website what they use so you’re ready for this question)

21. What is your experience with (the standards they use)? (Make sure you know the standards for the grade(s) you’re interviewing for!)

22. What would you do if a student is constantly disruptive?

23. How do you keep up to date on best teaching practices?

24. What advice would you give a first year teacher?

25. What have you learned most as a teacher?

26. How do you help struggling readers? How do you help students struggling with math?

27. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be and why? (Prepare 5 words just in case!)

28. What is your favorite subject to teach? Least favorite subject?

29. What is your favorite lesson you’ve ever taught?

30. Tell me about a time you taught a lesson that didn’t go well and how you handled it.

31. If I walked into your classroom, what would I see?

32. How would you plan a lesson from start to finish?

33. How do you incorporate higher order thinking skills into your lessons?

34. What do you bring to the team?

35. What was the last professional development book you read?

36. How do you handle a student far below grade level?

37. What do you need from a principal?

38. What are your hobbies?

39. How would you use a teaching assistant?

40. How do you feel about parents in your classroom?

41. How do you support gifted students in your classroom? ELL students? Students with special needs?

42. How do you keep students engaged?

43. How do you address bullying?

44. What do your centers look like? How do you use centers?

45. How do you integrate writing into your math lessons? How do you integrate lessons?

46. Why should we hire you over the other applicants?

47. What is your favorite grade to teach?

48. How do you build a strong classroom community?

49. How do you build a rapport with parents?

50. How do you build a rapport with your students?

51. How do you document student behavior? Student learning? Communication with parents?

52. How do you track students’ progress? How do you track data?

53. Why did you become a teacher?

54. What do you love most about teaching?

55. If you could change one thing about teaching, what would it be?


I hope your interview goes well! 🙂


I have a ton of other lists! Check out:

Huge List of Classroom Jobs

Flexible Seating Classroom Ideas and Seating Options

Best Back to School Books BY BEHAVIOR

Must Have Classroom Tools

Favorite Back to School Read Alouds

Back to School Books for Kindergarten

Must Have Reading Tools

Must Have Math Tools

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Great tips for how to be prepared for your teaching interview... a must read for any teacher going to an interview!